Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Be Inspired: Is this you?

Is this your right now?
Just remember that we all go through seasons in our lives where we feel like things will NEVER get better. We take 10 steps forward only to take 50 steps back...but sometimes set backs are set ups for something greater. So keep on smiling and keep on going because the sun will shine on you.
This quote I found on Pinterest really left an impression on me, I remember feeling like that, then one day I woke up and realized how fortunate I really am. We focus on what we want to focus on, and that which is magnified will take over your emotional state. Even though I went through serious tough times on my own, once I started focusing on the small pieces of brightness in my life everything else started getting better. Those things that use to bother me no longer made a difference because time wasn't wasted magnifying on the negative.
Stay hopeful my loves :) 
xoxo ~Nell
Have you ever gone through a time when you thought things would never get better? 


  1. i love this post... thankyou for cheering me up!! sometimes i fee so swamped with university work its hard to just take a step back and appreciate the good things in life. i'd love it if youd check out my blog and comment back xx http://amyelizabethfashion.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/spring-haze.html

  2. such wonderful inspiration shawnell. i went through a very dark time last year where months went by and my spirits continued to diminish. i remember thinking that maybe things just weren't meant to work out for me. but, slowly but surely things started to change for me and improve in my life...and one day i remember just realizing that i couldn't remember the last time i was sad. it's important to remember that no matter how dark a time may be, we all have the ability to make it through a stronger, wiser person :)

    1. Thanks for sharing Molly! So happy you made it through that time and you're a better person from it. We can choose to use it as a source of wisdom and encouragement if we ever see ourselves in that state again or become bitter...so happy you chose the first. Thanks for reading :)
