Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Live While We're Young

So, this isn't exactly worship, but it's music all the same and their voices are AMAZiNG! I stumbled upon these pure, refreshing voices this past Friday (yes, I know super fun night in right?!).

Whether you're 19, 45, or 35 you will love their message, "Live While We're Young". At the end of the day age ain't nothing but a number, and as long as you have breath in your body you have a purpose to fulfill.

Check them out and get there latest music! Trust me, if you like soulful, refreshing music with a purpose that speaks to the heart you will LOVE THEM!

*Share your fave artists below!*

Happy Wednesday folks!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Worship: When the words are just for you!

Hi there! This is just a little something I stumbled upon the other day on Youtube (You can view some of the music on my most recent playlist Here). His promises never seem to fail me. I love when I find something so special it seems like it's been written just for me. I'd like to think I'm that special :-)

*I LOVE new music! If you have a playlist on youtube, soundcloud or some other music streaming site feel free to share in the comments sections :-)*

Stay Hopeful luvs

Monday, August 17, 2015


For the last few days I've had such a praise in my heart. Almost like I just want to reach out and give God a great big hug! Not because something amazing has happened, although it's a blessing each day I'm able to wake up and have breath in my body, but simply because of who he is. 

The more I learn who Jesus is, and the closer I get to being who he's called me to be the easier it becomes for me to lay down my wants and little annoyances that make me not want to move in the direction I'm being lead to move in. 
I've learned that these seasons I go through with Jesus are so special. Sure, it hurts sometimes and all I want to do is lay in bed, put on my fav show on netflix with a box of kleenex and cry because things aren't going "my way". Then after a few days pass and the clouds finally seem to subside, I'm able to realize, what really is "my way"? I mean sure I have many things I desire, but then I realize..I'm so freakin fickle there's a reason his word says, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" Matthew 16:24. See, he knows exactly where I need to be every minute, every second of each and every day. Sure, I'm right there with you in feeling like sometimes it's much easier to want to know what that future holds, but I've found a lot more peace and it's much easier to just trust and get to know the one that holds the future. After all, he's numbered the hairs on your head. He knew you in your mothers womb and willed each day to be as it is. So lets learn to trust that. Our ways are so fickle, but his are so strong and firm. There is no wavering with him. You either follow his lead or you don't. You either allow him to tell you to step out the boat and trust him and know that he will not let you drown and truly flourish or you don't. The choice really is your own. That's the great thing about Jesus, he gives us free will to do just as we so desire..and I desire him. 

Do you trust his way, not just by words but in your heart? Stop. Think about it. 

Stay hopeful luvs :)

xoxo ~Nell

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Deeper Calling

Gosh, I can listen to this on repeat all day long.

So I have to share with you all that God had to shake up some things in my life. Some things were not being built on a firm foundation and so God saw fit to shake things up a bit and I'd be lying if I didn't say it was uncomfortable. I mean, teary eye, why God why? Uncomfortable! But in the midst of that shaking and reshaping I'm learning to trust him more because he's taking me deeper in him and I have to be sure and know that nothing will make me waiver in my walk with him.

Distractions come in many forms all the time, but the closer we've come to Christ the easier it usually is to see what's a distraction and what's a blessing. And some blessings are blessings that we ourselves have turned to distractions. So be mindful.

See, Christ told me months ago in prayer that I would have to learn to trust him in a new way..and oftentimes I don't quite understand it all but each day the words he spoke are becoming clearer to me and the trust I have in him is becoming stronger. Sure, the bible says, Matthew 17:20 "...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you", but I cannot say that is always easy. Call me a less than Christian if you choose, I know who I am in Christ, but sometimes it's easier to try and figure out the ending while you're still in the beginning. Or sometimes it's easier to take control of a situation in hopes that it'll turn out your way. But those things are not built on a firm foundation..that foundation is as fragile as sand, all it takes is a good current to come along and wash away everything that was once there as if it never even existed before. So God had to shake up some things in order for me to trust him. Trust what he told me, trust what he showed me, and trust that my future will be far greater than my past if I just have faith. When you imagine the grain of a mustard seed you think it's nothing..but with each setback in life it often times seems harder and harder to have even half of that amount of faith. In those moments ask God to drown out the negativity and hear and follow his voice louder than anything elses. I know hope is not always easy, but it's sometimes the only thing that helps me to remain faithful and know that Gods word never lies. And those gifts will be birth. And those visions will come to past. I like what Paula White said once, our natural man is living the life our spirit man has already we're just going through the motions sorta speak..but enjoy the journey along the way.

Stay hopeful's not always easy but it's required :)


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

He's Listening

God Listened, all we have to do is trust him. It really is that simple.

As I encourage you, trust I'm encouraging myself. It'll be so much easier if we had the end result of trusting God. But stand with me and hold on and know that God's word never lies. So trust him.

So hopeful luvs. I pray this clip blesses you as it blessed me.
