Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Today, is the first day of my blog. Today is the first day of hopefully many where I will reveal myself to you all. Hopefully through this forum I will reveal much of myself that I honestly, probably never reveal to even the closest people in my life.

Why you ask? Why reveal my inner most thoughts, actions, and desires to absolute strangers, well simply put, because random strangers that stumble upon this blog will seek growth, enlightenment and in turn will do the same for me, with their unbiased opinion and knowledge. One can never grow as a person without honesty, and wisdom from those around them.

As much as I hope to help you see things in a new light and grow, I hope that you will be able to do the same for me.

So with trepidation and hopefulness I start the beginning to a wonderful journey with you.

I hope you grow in love and wisdom.

With my heartfelt love,


Tell me, what are some things you have had to step out on faith with and ended up LOVING the journey, or hating it and why?


  1. Congratulations on ur new blog...I'll respond to ur question later.
    ♥ u!

  2. Congrats on your blog. I had to step out on faith with my personal struggle and it was initially pretty hard and sucked. But with constant prayer and learning to let go I was able to trust what God had planned for me. Even when I did't understand it!

    1. That's great! The first step is always the hardest.
