Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Live While We're Young

So, this isn't exactly worship, but it's music all the same and their voices are AMAZiNG! I stumbled upon these pure, refreshing voices this past Friday (yes, I know super fun night in right?!).

Whether you're 19, 45, or 35 you will love their message, "Live While We're Young". At the end of the day age ain't nothing but a number, and as long as you have breath in your body you have a purpose to fulfill.

Check them out and get there latest music! Trust me, if you like soulful, refreshing music with a purpose that speaks to the heart you will LOVE THEM!

*Share your fave artists below!*

Happy Wednesday folks!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Worship: When the words are just for you!

Hi there! This is just a little something I stumbled upon the other day on Youtube (You can view some of the music on my most recent playlist Here). His promises never seem to fail me. I love when I find something so special it seems like it's been written just for me. I'd like to think I'm that special :-)

*I LOVE new music! If you have a playlist on youtube, soundcloud or some other music streaming site feel free to share in the comments sections :-)*

Stay Hopeful luvs

Monday, August 17, 2015


For the last few days I've had such a praise in my heart. Almost like I just want to reach out and give God a great big hug! Not because something amazing has happened, although it's a blessing each day I'm able to wake up and have breath in my body, but simply because of who he is. 

The more I learn who Jesus is, and the closer I get to being who he's called me to be the easier it becomes for me to lay down my wants and little annoyances that make me not want to move in the direction I'm being lead to move in. 
I've learned that these seasons I go through with Jesus are so special. Sure, it hurts sometimes and all I want to do is lay in bed, put on my fav show on netflix with a box of kleenex and cry because things aren't going "my way". Then after a few days pass and the clouds finally seem to subside, I'm able to realize, what really is "my way"? I mean sure I have many things I desire, but then I realize..I'm so freakin fickle there's a reason his word says, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" Matthew 16:24. See, he knows exactly where I need to be every minute, every second of each and every day. Sure, I'm right there with you in feeling like sometimes it's much easier to want to know what that future holds, but I've found a lot more peace and it's much easier to just trust and get to know the one that holds the future. After all, he's numbered the hairs on your head. He knew you in your mothers womb and willed each day to be as it is. So lets learn to trust that. Our ways are so fickle, but his are so strong and firm. There is no wavering with him. You either follow his lead or you don't. You either allow him to tell you to step out the boat and trust him and know that he will not let you drown and truly flourish or you don't. The choice really is your own. That's the great thing about Jesus, he gives us free will to do just as we so desire..and I desire him. 

Do you trust his way, not just by words but in your heart? Stop. Think about it. 

Stay hopeful luvs :)

xoxo ~Nell

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Deeper Calling

Gosh, I can listen to this on repeat all day long.

So I have to share with you all that God had to shake up some things in my life. Some things were not being built on a firm foundation and so God saw fit to shake things up a bit and I'd be lying if I didn't say it was uncomfortable. I mean, teary eye, why God why? Uncomfortable! But in the midst of that shaking and reshaping I'm learning to trust him more because he's taking me deeper in him and I have to be sure and know that nothing will make me waiver in my walk with him.

Distractions come in many forms all the time, but the closer we've come to Christ the easier it usually is to see what's a distraction and what's a blessing. And some blessings are blessings that we ourselves have turned to distractions. So be mindful.

See, Christ told me months ago in prayer that I would have to learn to trust him in a new way..and oftentimes I don't quite understand it all but each day the words he spoke are becoming clearer to me and the trust I have in him is becoming stronger. Sure, the bible says, Matthew 17:20 "...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you", but I cannot say that is always easy. Call me a less than Christian if you choose, I know who I am in Christ, but sometimes it's easier to try and figure out the ending while you're still in the beginning. Or sometimes it's easier to take control of a situation in hopes that it'll turn out your way. But those things are not built on a firm foundation..that foundation is as fragile as sand, all it takes is a good current to come along and wash away everything that was once there as if it never even existed before. So God had to shake up some things in order for me to trust him. Trust what he told me, trust what he showed me, and trust that my future will be far greater than my past if I just have faith. When you imagine the grain of a mustard seed you think it's nothing..but with each setback in life it often times seems harder and harder to have even half of that amount of faith. In those moments ask God to drown out the negativity and hear and follow his voice louder than anything elses. I know hope is not always easy, but it's sometimes the only thing that helps me to remain faithful and know that Gods word never lies. And those gifts will be birth. And those visions will come to past. I like what Paula White said once, our natural man is living the life our spirit man has already we're just going through the motions sorta speak..but enjoy the journey along the way.

Stay hopeful's not always easy but it's required :)


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

He's Listening

God Listened, all we have to do is trust him. It really is that simple.

As I encourage you, trust I'm encouraging myself. It'll be so much easier if we had the end result of trusting God. But stand with me and hold on and know that God's word never lies. So trust him.

So hopeful luvs. I pray this clip blesses you as it blessed me.


Thursday, July 23, 2015


This passage is from a writing sample I saved on my computer during a time in my life that was very lonely, very painful, and at times I didn't know if I was actually going to be able to make it. I'm not really sure why I never shared this with you all until now. Maybe I was scared of taking off the mask, being vulnerable and letting you into who I really am. I hope this blesses me as much as reading it after all this time has blessed me. Gosh, it's amazing to see just how far I have come, and recalling exactly what I was going through at this exact time. And, if I had to redo it all over again, I'd do it in a heartbeat :) 

As I sit and read Hosea, and how God told him to marry a whore, and what to name his children. And how he goes onto explain what he allows the whore to do; and how he will leave her in the wilderness after being used by the men she sleeps with; and how he will expose her because of the lifestyle she chooses to live, I can’t help but compare my life with this one. 

No I am nowhere near being a whore or like one (whatever that really means anyway), however, my life living on this earth has not always been pleasing to Him. There have been times when I’ve gotten the nudge just before doing wrong to do right but instead I let my flesh take over, much like Hosea’s wife, and chose to go my own way. There were people I dated that I shouldn’t have dated or even entertained for that matter. There were friends I had that lasted way past their expiration date. And some life long choices I will forever have to live with that I sometimes wish I never made. But like his wife, God exposed me, he brought me back to a place where he could deal with ME. My heart, my mind, my EVERYTHING. And I can’t help but think about just where I am today. 

Sometimes my heart is so broken I don’t know if I can get past the next second. Sometimes all I can do is cry out to God and ask “Why” simply “Why”. When I go to pray, sometimes the only words to come out are “Jesus”. Although, this period hurts I know that it’s for good reason. See, God is in the midst of doing something Big. It may seem minute to others but between Him and I, I know he’s doing something Big and the only way to do that and get ALL the glory is by stripping me, exposing me, and showing me, me. Working on Me, Molding Me and Transforming Me in a way that only he can. Then and only then will I truly know who he is and his sweet sweet love. 

A love like his is something you can search high and low for on this earth and you will NEVER find. His love is something that all you have to do is seek with a true and honest heart. His love doesn’t judge. His love doesn’t say you have to be perfect, or even know what to say and the right things to say. His love is just that LOVE. Pure LOVE. And like anything else it comes with a true relationship with him. 

So if you’re searching for love, for a void to be filled, seek him. He’ll fill that void like no other. I’m a living witness. Some may say things in my life right now are nothing in comparison to others and that’s fine, what I can deal with may not be what someone else can and vice versa but I can tell you the hurt and voids that I’ve been left with were only ever truly filled by loving Him and Him loving me. So I say go love on Him for a while. What do you have to lose? 

He’s probably already starting doing to you as he did Hosea’s wife, exposing her, and getting her to a place where he could really deal with her whole heart and the full essence of who she was. Give all of yourself away to him, and he will give all of himself to you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday Worship: In Over My Head

Today is one of those days where nothing really makes sense.

The meanness from people don't make sense.
The hate in the hearts of men and women don't make sense.
The things I truly want to do yet haven't gotten clear understanding like I desire don't make all just. doesn't. make. sense. But I'm calmly reminded God's ways are not our own so it won't always make sense.

I hope you enjoy this song. It's perfectly fitting for today.

Be blessed luvs


Monday, April 20, 2015

Conversations with Christ

A while back as I was reflecting on my past relationships with my little boyfriends, I started to feel sad that they were no longer around; not because I missed them or the relationship, because Lord knows I'm far beyond that, but because I thought I did something wrong. I wondered, gosh was I that bad of a person? I thought, I was a genuine person; there for them when they needed me; giving of my time, heart, money, whatever it was I'd give it just to make them happy even if it meant I was unhappy. After all, my inconvenience would be minor in comparison to the joy felt seeing a smile on their face knowing I was able to help
It was during that conversation with God that He showed me that no matter what I did, when it comes to relationships there is nothing under the sun you can do to make the wrong man stay, and nothing you can do to make the right man walk away. Whatever God brings together for a greater purpose WILL come to pass. 

Oftentimes we struggle with believing the man in front of us is the man God has for us. I mean after all, did you pray and earnestly ask God if he is even suppose to be in your life? Is he part of the greater purpose God has for you? While you're switching your hips and poppin your lips in front of some man that you know deep down ain't for you, YOU are slowing driving a wedge deeper and deeper between you and Christ out of disobedience and hindering the manifestation of your purpose that God created you for.

Sure, you might be doing some work in the church or whatever area Christ has called you in, but remember this...God don't bless mess. He does ALL Things in decency and in order. So while you're still doing your "work" and carrying on with "him" you're allowing the enemy to rob you of your joy, eventually your peace and your purpose.

I'll never forget the first time I heard this quote from Paula White in one of her sermons about Breaking UnGodly Soul Ties, "When God goes to bless you, he sends a person in your life! When the enemy goes to mess you up, he sends a person in your life"So be mindful of your relationships, both friendship and romantic. Ask God to remove any hinderances, distractions, or people that would come to hinder your walk with Him and the manifestation of your purpose. Then sit back and watch God move. You might be surprised just how much you allowed yourself to be attached to that was a hindrance. Not everyone that's "for you" is actually "For You!". 

I remember being with my ex boyfriend and as much as I knew deep down something just wasn't right I constantly tried to fit a round peg into a square hole. After years of effort being done in vain I eventually noticed all the peace, confidence and zest for life I had was slowing depleting. Then one day I woke up and he was gone and along with him walking away I realized the peace I once felt and the nearness to Christ I once had was diminished to nothing. The tears of joy and times of worship I had with Him were replaced with anguish and tears of pain asking God, Why? Why did he allow me to continue on for so long? Why did I WILLINGLY and freely hand over my peace and confidence?!

It was then that he reminded me of the times he warned me to let him go. Let him Go! But see, I was too concerned about hurting his feelings and losing the identity that I had with having a boyfriend and the idea of someone claiming they "loved me" more than I cared about being disobedient to the word of God and hindering my walk with him. Along with me fully understanding that without a shadow of doubt God loved me. My father in heaven loved EVERYTHING about me. He loved me for who I was, flaws and all. I wasn't told to dress more like this girl, or wear my hair like those girls, or talk more like this. See he designed me to be different unique in his eye, so how could I be "different" or "unique" if I parading around looking, dressing and sounding like "them"? To be honest, over time it tore down my self confidence, my anxiety level was through the roof, and my self esteem, was, well almost non existent. I'm sure to people that I surrounded myself with didn't know and couldn't see the scares on my heart and the tears that I shed night after night, morning after morning in the shower, while driving or after talking to family over the phone but it was there. I had to put on a brave face and smile in the midst of it all and its in that time that I learned that when God allowed me to reach my bottom (where he wanted me, where he needed me) he was able to build me up to be the strong woman that I am today. I can once again walk with my head high and a smile on my face that's genuine and radiates from within, because in spite of what my outside may look like or the little problems I might have I am truly happy and I've never really been able to say that. 

My prayer for the longest time was for him to bless me with the right relationships with both men and women and a Godly relationship that will be my one day marriage. While I can't report that I'll be getting married today or tomorrow, I can rest in knowing that one day God will bless me with a spouse. And, at the end of the day if it's not his will for me to be married then so be it. At the end of the day it's Him and I, and I know he will fill ALL of my days up with joy, peace, and blessings that I can't even imagine possible. 

So sure while I could blame him and say he robbed me of so many things, in the grand scheme of things I willingly handed them over to him. Why? Because I thought the more I gave to him the more he would choose to stay. I gave him more than I gave Him! Christ, my father in heaven...the one that created me for a purpose other than pleasing a man on this earth that didn't do anything to deserve me. 

So love, it might hurt a bit to see some folks go, but whatever he removes he replaces with something even better. Sweeter than the last.

So please don't waste anymore time entertaining folks. Entertain Christ with a conversation, because he will truly blow your mind if you let him.

Stay hopeful loves


Monday, April 6, 2015

Modern Modesty: Off the Shoulder Style Inspiration

Celeb Style Inspiration: Off the Shoulder

Spring has FINALLY sprung and so has allergy season, warmer temps, and lovely spring colors!

Steal some of these great summer trends with these amazing off the shoulder dresses.

What's your favorite spring style?


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Be Still

Hello April!!!

Make it a fresh start this month to do something different. Be it enjoying the outdoors more, changing those negative thoughts into positives no matter what, or challenging yourself spiritually to grow in Christ.

I hope this song blesses you. Consider being still for just a moment and ask God, what does He desire of you to do differently. You might be surprised.

Stay hopeful luvs!


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Modern Modesty: Praise Day Edition

Your heels may be high but make sure your standards are higher!
Taking over in Heels

Join me in crushing on my fav styles. and steals!

Stay hopeful


**This section of my blog is my own opinion and interest. Fashions I enjoy putting together and wearing while still make sure I'm pleasing God and reflecting him on the outside. None of these articles of clothing are courtesy of any brand nor am I being paid to advertise them.**

Monday, February 23, 2015

Daily Devotion: Lesson Learned

Over the last 3 months I can actually say I'm learning more and more how to act selflessly. No, I'm not going to sit here and portray an inaccurate picture of perfection, but I can say that I've learned to take out what, "I want", from the equation of what ,"People need", of me.

You see, when I lived in Miami, it was just Me. Me all day, every day...sure the addition of Mimi came later down the road but it was just Me. I did what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it and no one could tell me to do otherwise. It was a good and bad thing. I learned how not to procrastinate so much, but I also learned that I needed people and relationships around me to learn to do more for others and not just do what I wanted at that moment for myself.

Since I've been back in VA I have had a schedule packed with Baby Showers, helping coordinate events, birthday parties, dinners, bonding with girlfriends over brunch, catching up on the phone (so not me), helping with family and the list goes on. I can honestly say God is truly working through me because in the past my negative mindset of me needing "me time" would have taken away from the joy and need that people had of me. And this became possible by a true obedience to Christ. When I prayed and asked God to change my heart towards others to look more like his, it wasn't a "comfortable" feeling and process to go through. There were and still are many days when I feel like throwing in the towel, and doing what I want to do..then it's like I get a little gut check and nudge to say, you've come so far, do you really want to start all over. His word says Proverb 28:14, "Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity." I don't know about you but I choose not to fall into calamity, into an abyss of the unknown due to my disobedience of what I didn't feel like doing.
The very next breath you take is not promised, and I think sometimes we take that for granted. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that, because when God calls you home, will there still be works left that he told you to do, but you said "not right now father" or will your heart and mind be so free and clear that he will surely call you his good and faithful servant? Seeing ourselves for who we really are is never a fun and pleasant reflection, in the beginning at least, but one day if you keep on going and doing all that God asks of you to do no matter how "uncomfortable" you may feel you will look back at yourself and think, I still got it. So, become comfortable with the discomfort it's pushing you closer and closer through to your purpose, obedience and having a heart like His.

Stay hopeful loves


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Housefires II

My favorite day to share with you :) I just can't get enough of this!

Modern Modesty: Objects of My Affection

I LOVE a loose flowy blouse. They're super comfy; yet still; very style, chic, girly and versatile.

Modern Modesty

Some of my current favs . I also love Everlane's silk blouses. Sure a bit more than the average top, but worth EVERY penny.

Stay hopeful loves


*What are some of your fav pieces?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Daily Devotion

When my desires to impress people became less than my desire to impress God, then was he able to show me who I am and his desires for me. As I decreased, he increased. He showed me his purpose and desires for me and in turn his desires for me became my desires, and it all became so much easier to accomplish. 

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." ~Psalm 37:4

Monday, February 9, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Came early this week :)

Gosh, his word is so sweet. I pray this truly blesses your Monday! When all we do is praise him, how can hate, envy, strive, and anxiety grow in our has no room to creep in. So let his praise forever be on your lips.

Stay hopeful loves!


Modern Modesty: Lace Obsession

I love lace and pearls...either together or separate, but gosh do they go so well together, like peanut butter and jelly (shh I've even been known to jog in my pearl studs).

Indulge in these super cute pieces for some inspiration just in time for Valentines Day! And if you can't choose just one, buy another for a friend or yourself ;)

LACE! Obsession

Stay Hopeful loves


Daily Devotion


Friday, February 6, 2015

Daily Devotion

From what table are you eating? From the table of life? Or the table of death? The more you continue to ingest or stay in situations out of disobedience to God, the more it will become your "normal", the dysfunction will become function, the anger will become "justified", the hate will become "provoked".

What you sow out of disobedience, that will you also reap out of disobedience. Take a moment to ask yourself, why? Why the hate, why the anger, why the dysfunction, why the confusion...just why? Don't allow yourself to remain in a stage in your life out of convenience to your disobedience, that can cost you your life...eternity.

John 4: 32,37; But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you do not know about."...For here the saying holds true, "One sows and another reaps."

Stay hopeful loves


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday Worship: Cling To You

Oh how I love this day! I get to share with you all a song that has been on my heart and blessed me so much. Something about great worship that can shift the atmosphere and allow you to hear Gods voice in the most resounding way!!

Stay hopeful loves


What's one of your favorite songs at the moment?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Daily Devotion

Sometimes God calls for a quiet season in your life and during that time you understand just what it means to stand alone. If you totally surrender to the experience, it'll be the most exhilarating, rewarding, life-changing, eye-opening experience in your life ever. 

Stay hopeful loves


About Our New Changes

In a world where sexual influence is everywhere, I just want to be that light in a dark place. A place where we not only look Holy but live Holy. A place where we can live free, worship Christ, and look great serving Him. I'm just following the charge Christ has put on my heart. Where I can be the wick and he be the flame and that flame not go out but burn stronger and deeper for Christ daily. I pray Flourishing Hope blesses you as much as creating each post has blessed me. 

Some of the new content will consist of outfit ideas (Modern Modesty), daily devotionals, new christian songs and books to help guide you on your journey of life, and other exciting news and content the Lord presses on my heart to release. 

I've prayed long and hard about this change and I pray it truly blesses you, and can help bridge the gap between cultures, generations, and people that just love Jesus and want to know and do all they can do to serve him. 

~Why be the same when we're set apart to be so different~

Love you guys :)



Monday, February 2, 2015

So much has changed

My blog has changed. The city I live in has changed. My job has changed. And most of all my heart and mindset has changed.

At the beginning of 2014 as I sat in my living room sick as a dog but determined to praise God anyhow, even if it meant streaming online; I will never forget hearing the softest of words; as I sat on my knee's broken hearted, lost beyond belief and having not a clue what challenges lied just ahead of me, "If you trust me and hold onto me harder than anything in this world this will be a year you will NEVER forget". My gosh how I still get chills replaying that moment over in my head.

Since then, I have been blessed with another job that was literally handed to me to the point where I was told, you visit the location, meet the staff and tell me if you want it. When God moves he MOVES!!

I've been blessed with the opportunity to move back closer to my family and loved ones which I missed so much, every day for the entire 2 years and 3 months I lived in Miami.

I've been healed beyond recognition from past hurt, hate, and anxiety, most brought on by my own disobedience to God, but non the less issues that lived so deep I couldn't have made it to where I am today had they not been dealt with. I mean lost to the point where I had to ask God daily to, give me the thoughts to think, the words to say, the friendships to have. I didn't know then but as I look back now I realize, this little messed up girl didn't know if she was coming or going.

As I look back and examine my 2014 already a month into 2015, I realize that God kept his word. Sure to some people they might think, well there's nothing amazing about that..but for me MY Father in Heaven knew just what I needed. I will NEVER forget 2014 let alone my time spent living in FL. I can say without any doubt in my mind that I am NOT the same, so deeply lost young girl, that moved to FL in 2012. Now, I can say I'm stronger in my faith, stronger in my walk, and stronger in knowing who I am and whose I am. Sure I have my days where I fall short, but knowing what my God has done and knowing what he's still got left for me to accomplish, I'll do just what was put in my spirit in October, "Take flight and be ready to soar".

If you just hold on like myself, and know that NOTHING in this world will ever mean more to you than God and your very personal, deep, unwavering relationship with Him, he will wow you in such a way you'll ask yourself....what took me so long to fully surrender?

Some of the greatest blessings you will ever receive won't be tangible, but intangible, and those are things that no one can ever take away...those are blessings given directly to you from your Father in Heaven. The one that created you. The one that knows what you need before you need it. The one that knows the number of hairs on your head. The one that designed you to be just who you are, so that you can accomplish that which he has set out for you to accomplish. So trust him, surrender to him and let him WoW you! You too will soon say, "Gosh, so much has changed".

Stay hopeful loves :)


**Stay tuned for new content and material from Flourishing Hope. I pray it will bless you, as much as this journey has been that has gotten me to this point, has blessed me**