My blog has changed. The city I live in has changed. My job has changed. And most of all my heart and mindset has changed.
At the beginning of 2014 as I sat in my living room sick as a dog but determined to praise God anyhow, even if it meant streaming online; I will never forget hearing the softest of words; as I sat on my knee's broken hearted, lost beyond belief and having not a clue what challenges lied just ahead of me, "If you trust me and hold onto me harder than anything in this world this will be a year you will NEVER forget". My gosh how I still get chills replaying that moment over in my head.
Since then, I have been blessed with another job that was literally handed to me to the point where I was told, you visit the location, meet the staff and tell me if you want it. When God moves he MOVES!!
I've been blessed with the opportunity to move back closer to my family and loved ones which I missed so much, every day for the entire 2 years and 3 months I lived in Miami.
I've been healed beyond recognition from past hurt, hate, and anxiety, most brought on by my own disobedience to God, but non the less issues that lived so deep I couldn't have made it to where I am today had they not been dealt with. I mean lost to the point where I had to ask God daily to, give me the thoughts to think, the words to say, the friendships to have. I didn't know then but as I look back now I realize, this little messed up girl didn't know if she was coming or going.
As I look back and examine my 2014 already a month into 2015, I realize that God kept his word. Sure to some people they might think, well there's nothing amazing about that..but for me MY Father in Heaven knew just what I needed. I will NEVER forget 2014 let alone my time spent living in FL. I can say without any doubt in my mind that I am NOT the same, so deeply lost young girl, that moved to FL in 2012. Now, I can say I'm stronger in my faith, stronger in my walk, and stronger in knowing who I am and whose I am. Sure I have my days where I fall short, but knowing what my God has done and knowing what he's still got left for me to accomplish, I'll do just what was put in my spirit in October, "Take flight and be ready to soar".
If you just hold on like myself, and know that NOTHING in this world will ever mean more to you than God and your very personal, deep, unwavering relationship with Him, he will wow you in such a way you'll ask yourself....what took me so long to fully surrender?
Some of the greatest blessings you will ever receive won't be tangible, but intangible, and those are things that no one can ever take away...those are blessings given directly to you from your Father in Heaven. The one that created you. The one that knows what you need before you need it. The one that knows the number of hairs on your head. The one that designed you to be just who you are, so that you can accomplish that which he has set out for you to accomplish. So trust him, surrender to him and let him WoW you! You too will soon say, "Gosh, so much has changed".
Stay hopeful loves :)
**Stay tuned for new content and material from Flourishing Hope. I pray it will bless you, as much as this journey has been that has gotten me to this point, has blessed me**